Hi!👋 My name is

Diana de Castro.

I build things for the web.

I am a design-minded front-end software engineer focused on building beautiful interfaces & experiences.

About me

Hello! My name is Diana, and I enjoy problem-solving and bringing ideas to life on the web. My journey into web development began in 2010 when I launched my first e-commerce business. Interestingly, being an entrepreneur taught me a great deal about HTML & CSS!

Fast-forward to today, after three businesses and building three startups in Berlin, I've had the opportunity to expand my coding knowledge through Shecodes while freelancing and assisting other startups. Currently, my primary focus is on creating accessible, inclusive products and crafting visually stunning digital experiences for a diverse range of clients.


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Diana de Castro

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Let's work together!

If you want to team up or just chat, you can write me an email or hit me up via social media.